Just like a building, the strength of your child's personality depends upon the foundation.

  • Victory and defeat are both part of the life. Encouraging your child to win is important. It is equally important to teach him how to accept defeat gracefully.
  • An ounce of praise is worth far more than a tonne of criticism
  • Let your child not be afraid of making mistakes. Let him know a mistake is not a mistake as long as he learns from it.
  • Children should not be expected to behave like adults. They cannot sit quietly or concentrate on one thing for long.

Parenting is such a complicated job, that there are no real guidelines for it! You have to go by instinct and do the best thing that you can for your child. However, there could be a few basic ground rules that you could lay down for yourself as a parent. Though most of these rules are different for different parents, we compiled a list from our interaction with different parents over the years!

Let's look at some awesome tips for good parenting.

Prepare to be a Parent

Parenting is no easy task. It is a far throw from the easy-going life you lead as a bachelor and later as a couple! Getting married is a great introduction to responsibility but parenting is another game altogether. So it is best to adequately prepare to take on this role, before you actually become a parent!

Do Not Do-It-Yourself

There may be a lot of things you could DIY or do without guidance or research, but parenting requires a lot of know-how! Children are delicate, fragile little things and there are a million things that pose a potential risk to him. Be it health, behaviour, peer issues, schooling, playing or eating, you need advice! And yes, our parenting articles here are a great start!

Do Not Pressurize Your Child

Children today are subject to a LOT of pressure from parents. But parents do not do this with ill intentions, as the world today is a highly competitive place. But then again, you should know where to draw the line. High expectations can really take a toll on your child's physical and mental health. Help your child balance his life with both work and play.

Respect your Child as an Individual

This is something that most parents have trouble coming to terms with. But parents must treat their child as an individual. Of course he needs discipline and guidance and the occasional spanking, but make sure you remember this rule throughout! Respect his opinion and it will go a long way in strengthening the bond between you and your child. Treating your child as an individual also improves communication between you and him.

Your Traits Are His Traits

Remember that your child looks up to you and most of his behavioural traits will come from you and your spouse. Therefore, what you teach him when he is young will shape who he will become. Teach him by example and rest assured he will pick up those good habits early on and stick to them. For example, teaching him discipline in his childhood will go a long way in ensuring his success.

Evolve with Your Child

Ever heard the saying, "Keeping up with the Joneses"? Though it is mostly used in the materialistic sense, there is a lot that you could learn from the world around you. Though you may have found your parents' style of bringing you up perfect, it may not be as effective with your child. So change with the times, and stay tuned to modern day parenting all the time. Children are constantly evolving, and it is vital that you change with the times where necessary!

Make Him a Good Human Being

Now this may not appear to be very important, but teaching your child to be a good human being may be more vital than anything else. The lack of values among today's youth is a direct consequence of parent's not adequately instilling ethics and civic sense among their wards. Therefore, teach him all about being a good human being and why it is important.

Give Him His Freedom

Being independent and self-reliant is something children should learn early on. A lot of parents are over possessive and highly restrict their children's movements. Though this is done with the right intentions, it could greatly harm your child's confidence and even affect his maturity. Being exposed to life's hardships is important, so be as flexible as you can with your child. And along with freedom, also give him privacy!

Both Parents Need to be Involved

Today it has become vital that both parents be an integral part of a child's formative years. The father should be as important to the child as the mother. Mixing parental roles and equally distributing parenting tasks is way more effective than the traditional father-mother roles. It also plays a role in improving your parenting skills!

Create Special Moments

Always, always, find time to spend with your child and the family as a whole. A child never forgets his youth and it is important that you create those special moments for him. A child likes nothing more than cozy, special moments spent with his family. So go ahead and give him those moments, and make sure you take photographs while you are at it!

There you go, ten great tips on parenting. Make sure you let us know if you have some golden rules of your own!

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